Here is how you convert .NVA files to .PDF. [Windows only.]
1. Download the medicine from the following link. or [No viruses. No adverse reactions. Evidence of safety can be found here.]
2. Extract the .ZIP file to any location on your computer.
3. Put all your diseased .NVA files in the "IN" folder.
4. Run the "nva2pdf.bat" file and wait for the medicine to work. Once the medicine has worked its charm the window will close on its own.
5. Check the "OUT" folder and you will be greeted with the ever so healthy .PDF files.
6. Enjoy your book and share this article with anyone who you know has suffered at the hands of NVA.
[A picture speaks a thousands words]
I hope the .NVA format will now be eradicated from this planet. Its not good for the file sharing community.
Good riddance, NVA.
Source: A dude from